Altar Guild
Altar Guild members prepare the High Altar in the Church and the altar in St. Mary’s Chapel for Sunday and weekday Masses, holy days, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals and special services. Altar Guild members assist in making the worship life of the parish run smoothly through their service in the care of the altar and worship-time needs of the priest as he celebrates at God’s altar.
Guild membership increases a person’s reverence for God’s church and its liturgy, respect for the handling and purpose of appointments, and knowledge of traditions and church heritage.
New members are always needed for a variety of Altar Guild duties and schedules. Most members are scheduled to work one week, Saturday through Friday, each month, although there are opportunities for short-term commitments working only with special services or Sunday Masses. The amount of time varies with the specific altar duty and personal availability, but the vast majority of the work is done in an hour on Saturday mornings and a half-hour after the Sunday Masses. Anyone interested in this rewarding ministry of preparation is encouraged to participate.
Director: Sara Linder
Anyone interested in the Altar Guild may also contact Betty Prudence at the parish office at (803) 779-2960