Vestry of the Church of the Good Shepherd
2024 Vestry Members

Elected in 2021: Secretary Thomas Clawson, Yvonne Danford, Warren Tompkins

Elected in 2022: Junior Warden Steve Amodio, Amy Ballou, Senior Warden Hampton Saussy

Elected in 2023: Robert Neese, Margaret Rose Blankenship-Brown and Penelope Rawl
The Vestry is the governing body of the Church of The Good Shepherd, charged with administering the temporal affairs of the parish. It serves as the agent and legal representative of the parish in all matters concerning its corporate property and relations of the parish to its clergy.
The Vestry meets at 5:30 p.m. in the administration building on the second Thursday of each month, with the exceptions of July and August. The finance committee meets at 5 p.m.
The Vestry is composed of the rector and nine members, who must be confirmed communicants who are qualified to vote in the parish meetings, who are 18 or older, and who have been confirmed communicants in good standing for at least one year. Members are elected at the annual meeting to serve three-year terms.
Among other duties and responsibilities, Vestry members are expected to:
- Attend and participate in monthly and called Vestry meetings and the annual Vestry retreat.
- Carry out ministry assignments from the rector.
- Regularly attend Mass and other events of the parish.
- Be faithful stewards of money, which includes but is not limited to making and paying a responsible annual pledge, supporting stewardship education, supporting stewardship efforts and following up with parishioners who have not pledged.
- Listen to and deal with the views of parishioners, answer questions from parishioners and visitors about our policies and practices, correct misinformation that could be detrimental to the parish, the rector, the Vestry or individual members of the parish, and alert the rector to complaints, problems, compliments or opportunities as necessary.
- Be active in and knowledgeable about the congregation, its programs and governance.